أوكار الإرهابيين دُمرت بالحملة الإقليمية والعالمية عليهم، ملجؤهم في العراق وسورية مُحاصر وسيدمر، مواقعهم في شبكات التواصل مراقبة، ومحتوى النشر يلغى ويمنع نشره إلى الجمهور فور اكتشافه، فاختنق الإرهابيون على الأرض وفي الفضاء الإلكتروني. ولأن أصحاب الفكر الإرهابي يتجهون للعزلة والتخفي دوما، لذلك من المتوقع أن يكون الإنترنت المظلم هو الاتجاه الجديد لهجرتهم، للهروب من المراقبة والبقاء على تواصل ونشر فكرهم المتطرف. للإنترنت ثلاث طبقات، الأولى: هي التي نستخدمها في محركات البحث وغيرهما للبحث عن المعلومات، وكل وسائل التواصل « جوجل وياهو » الاجتماعي، أما الطبقة الثانية فهي الإنترنت العميق، حيث كل شيء فيه غير ظاهر ومحمي باسم مستخدم وكلمة سر، كمواقع البنوك، الإيميل، وما شابه، أو يتم الدخول إليه عن طريق الدفع، مثل مواقع الأفلام والمسلسلات التي يتم الدفع لها للمشاهدة. أما النوع الثالث: الإنترنت المظلم، فيتم الدخول له عبر مُحركات بحث خاصة تقوم بتشفير وإخفاء هوية المستخدم وموقعه، وعن ماذا يبحث وبمن يتصل، عالم الإنترنت المظلم فيه نوعان من المستخدمين، مؤسسات حكومية ومنظمات، تقوم بتبادل وثائق ومعلومات سرية، لضمان تشفيرها وعدم وصول العامة إليها أو قراصنة الإنترنت والمجرمين والمزورين، لبيع وعرض الممنوعات، هذه البيئة ضعيفة الرقابة قد تكون وكرا جديدا للإرهابيين، لأن العوامل التي يوفرها الإنترنت المظلم مهمة لهم. أولا: إخفاء هوية الشخص وموقعه، وعن ماذا يبحث وبمن يتصل، ثانيا: يحتوي على وسائل التواصل مثل الإيميل وبرامج المراسلة الفورية، حتى فيسبوك هناك نوع خاص للإنترنت المظلم، للتواصل المشفر وغيرها من شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي غير المستخدمة من قبل العامة، يصعب الوصول إليها وهي غير معروفة. ثالثا: يمكن الدخول للإنترنت المظلم من الحاسبات الشخصية ومن الهواتف. رابعا: وجود الكثير من مواقع بيع الممنوعات من أدوات ووثائق رسمية وغيرها تكون خطيرة إذ توفرت للإرهابيين. خامسا: المواقع الإلكترونية في الإنترنت المظلم وليس اسمه، (IP) يصعب الوصول إليها، فأما عن طريق الرقم الخاص بالموقع أو عن طريق الانتقال من داخل الموقع إلى آخر للوصول إلى الجهة المطلوبة، بذلك الرسائل والبيانات الإرهابية قد تكون متوفرة للوصول إليها من قبل فئة يتم تعليمها وتدريبها لتصل إلى مواقع الإرهاب بسرية، وليطلعوا على رسائل التجمع أو التنظيم الإرهابي. سادسا: عمليات نقل الأموال من وإلى ،(Bitcoin) الأشخاص في الإنترنت المظلم متوفرة عن طريق العملة الإلكترونية حيث يصعب السيطرة عليها، ولكن الجيد في الأمر لا يمكن استعمالها في الحياة الواقعية إلا في بعض الأماكن مثل أوروبا وأميركا. لذلك من المتوقع أن تكون هجرة الإرهابيين إلى الإنترنت المظلم كبيرة. في المقابل هذا لا يعني أن الحكومات لن تستطيع السيطرة على الإنترنت المظلم، ففي الغرب هناك أجهزة أمنية مختصة بمتابعته، بل مواقع وشخصيات تتخفى للاتصال والتواصل مع المشتبه بهم والمجرمين للقبض عليهم، واحدة من أهم الأساليب في مكافحة المواقع الخطيرة هي عبر صناعة نسخة مطابقة أو مختلفة لجذب من لديه توجه إرهابي والإيقاع به، أيضا مزودو الإنترنت يمكنهم منع تحميل محركات البحث والبرامج الخاصة بالإنترنت المظلم، لأنها تعتبر المفتاح لهذا العالم أو إبلاغ السلطات عمن يستخدم هذه البرامج، منعها يعني إقفال بوابته ومنع الإرهابيين من الهجرة إلى الإنترنت المظلم.
The terrorist hideouts have been destroyed by the regional and global campaign against them. Their refuge in Iraq and Syria is besieged and will be destroyed. Their websites in communication networks are monitored, and the content of publishing is canceled and prohibited to be published to the public upon discovery, so the terrorists suffocated on the ground and in cyberspace. And because the owners of terrorist ideology tend to always be isolated and hidden, so it is expected that the dark internet will be the new direction of their migration, to escape from surveillance and stay in contact and spread their extremist ideology. The Internet has three layers. The first is what we use in search engines «Google, Yahoo» and others to search for information, and all social media. The second layer is the deep internet, where everything in it is invisible and protected with a user name and password, such as bank websites, e-mail, And the like, or it is accessed through payment, such as movie and series sites that are paid to watch. As for the third type: the dark internet, it is accessed through private search engines that encrypt and hide the identity of the user and his location, and what he searches for and with whom he is connected, the dark internet world has two types of users, government institutions and organizations, which exchange confidential documents and information, to ensure that it is encrypted and that the public does not access To it, or to hackers, criminals and counterfeiters, to sell and display contraband. This poorly controlled environment may be a new nest for terrorists, because the factors that the dark internet provides are important to them. First: concealing the identity of the person and his location, what he is looking for and who he is calling, second: It contains means of communication such as email and instant messaging programs, even Facebook there is a special type for the dark internet, for encrypted communication and other social networks that are not used by the public, which are difficult to access and they are Unknown. Third: You can access the dark internet from personal computers and phones. Fourth: The presence of many prohibited sites, including tools, official documents, etc., which are dangerous if they are available to terrorists. Fifth: The websites in the dark internet are difficult to access, either through the site’s number (IP) and not its name, or by moving from within the site to another to reach the desired party, thus terrorist messages and data may be available to reach by a group that is Teaching and training them to reach terrorist sites in secret, and to learn about the messages of the terrorist assembly or organization. Sixth: Transferring money to and from people in the dark internet is available via electronic currency (Bitcoin), as it is difficult to control it, but the good thing is that it can only be used in real life in some places such as Europe and America. Therefore, the terrorists' migration to the darknet is expected to be significant. On the other hand, this does not mean that governments will not be able to control the dark internet, in the West there are specialized security services to follow it, but rather sites and personalities who hide to contact and communicate with suspects and criminals to arrest them, and one of the most important methods in combating dangerous websites is by making an identical or different copy. In order to attract those who have a terrorist tendency and entrap it, also Internet providers can prevent the downloading of search engines and programs for the dark Internet, because they are the key to this world or inform the authorities about who uses these programs, preventing them means closing its portal and preventing terrorists from migrating to the dark Internet.
The terrorist hideouts have been destroyed by the regional and global campaign against them. Their refuge in Iraq and Syria is besieged and will be destroyed. Their websites in communication networks are monitored, and the content of publishing is canceled and prohibited to be published to the public upon discovery, so the terrorists suffocated on the ground and in cyberspace. And because the owners of terrorist ideology tend to always be isolated and hidden, so it is expected that the dark internet will be the new direction of their migration, to escape from surveillance and stay in contact and spread their extremist ideology. The Internet has three layers. The first is what we use in search engines «Google, Yahoo» and others to search for information, and all social media. The second layer is the deep internet, where everything in it is invisible and protected with a user name and password, such as bank websites, e-mail, And the like, or it is accessed through payment, such as movie and series sites that are paid to watch. As for the third type: the dark internet, it is accessed through private search engines that encrypt and hide the identity of the user and his location, and what he searches for and with whom he is connected, the dark internet world has two types of users, government institutions and organizations, which exchange confidential documents and information, to ensure that it is encrypted and that the public does not access To it, or to hackers, criminals and counterfeiters, to sell and display contraband. This poorly controlled environment may be a new nest for terrorists, because the factors that the dark internet provides are important to them. First: concealing the identity of the person and his location, what he is looking for and who he is calling, second: It contains means of communication such as email and instant messaging programs, even Facebook there is a special type for the dark internet, for encrypted communication and other social networks that are not used by the public, which are difficult to access and they are Unknown. Third: You can access the dark internet from personal computers and phones. Fourth: The presence of many prohibited sites, including tools, official documents, etc., which are dangerous if they are available to terrorists. Fifth: The websites in the dark internet are difficult to access, either through the site’s number (IP) and not its name, or by moving from within the site to another to reach the desired party, thus terrorist messages and data may be available to reach by a group that is Teaching and training them to reach terrorist sites in secret, and to learn about the messages of the terrorist assembly or organization. Sixth: Transferring money to and from people in the dark internet is available via electronic currency (Bitcoin), as it is difficult to control it, but the good thing is that it can only be used in real life in some places such as Europe and America. Therefore, the terrorists' migration to the darknet is expected to be significant. On the other hand, this does not mean that governments will not be able to control the dark internet, in the West there are specialized security services to follow it, but rather sites and personalities who hide to contact and communicate with suspects and criminals to arrest them, and one of the most important methods in combating dangerous websites is by making an identical or different copy. In order to attract those who have a terrorist tendency and entrap it, also Internet providers can prevent the downloading of search engines and programs for the dark Internet, because they are the key to this world or inform the authorities about who uses these programs, preventing them means closing its portal and preventing terrorists from migrating to the dark Internet.